Okay. So I think I’ve mentioned I am a big fan of Jake Parker’s work. I like Jake’s Missile Mouse stuff, but what I really like is his illustration and character design stuff. I know Jake is probably doing it all in the computer, but I really like the stuff he does when there is a water color wash in the back ground and then what looks like colored pencil, or maybe water color pencil over top. Here’s an example.

Since I have this new sketch pad where the paper is a little rough for inking I thought I would give this style a try. It’s turned out to be a big colorful mistake. It just looks sloppy. Maybe this is the price for using traditional media instead of figuring it out in Photoshop. Maybe I’m too traditional, but I like knowing I can still do stuff by hand. Plus getting out of the computer is how I relieve stress. So here is my big colorful mistake.

You can see below what it looked like with just the colors before I added the pencil. Does anybody else have problems with their scanner having a hard time picking up traditional color?

Seargent water color pencils and Windsor Newton 9b pencil.