I’ve got a lot of things going on with this one. I have another doodle in my sketchbook where I’m playing around with water color pencils again, but things are getting pretty hairy this semester and I decided to draw back and punt with simple pen and ink drawings. I say simple and then I post this doodle dump. Each one of these monkeys is drawn with a different pen. They were all sketched with a Carmine col-erase pencil. The monkey hanging on the mast with the bottles of root beer was inked with an 03 Pigma Micron pen. The Monkey with the hatchet jumping through the air on the right was done with my Pentel Pocket brush pen. I love that pen, but the paper in my new sketch pad is too rough for the little guy. That’s okay. I’ve got other tools which will work in this sketchbook. The monkey on the left, practicing his stabbing was inked with a new acquisition –  Pilot Double Sided Brush Pen – Hard Tip – Black and Grey. I played around with making this monkey stand out a little more so I left the carmine col-erase pencil in his vest. I also used the grey end of the pen to put the rat lines in the background. The monkey at the bottom doing an Anime slide to the right was inked with a plain jane Pilot Precise V5. I like the Pilot Precise pens for quick fast lines when sketching. They aren’t great for a lot of variation of line quality like the brush pen, but they’re great for quick sketching.

I hope this supply list helps. Have fun doodling!

In His Peace,